Our company name, “Macrophi” is derived from “Mφ; macrophages”. Macrophages are cells that all multicellular organisms possess, and play a central role in innate immunity. In the process of research on macrophages, we found that natural consumption of LPS in the environment safely activates macrophages in the body and thus innate immunity, helping to prevent health troubles and recover from trouble.
Currently, we are the only company in the world to provide LPS blended for food and cosmetics. By focusing on innate immunity, macrophages, and LPS, we aim to provide products and services that contribute to human health.
We have information on “what is LPS” and “what kind of physiological effect do LPS have” on our website, so please read it.
DynaxT bldg. 2F, 2217-6
Hayashi-cho, Takamatsu-shi,
761-0301 Japan
TEL : +81-87-867-7712
FAX : +81-87-867-7737
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