LPS (lipopolysaccharide) is an immunomodulatory substance extracted from gram-negative bacteria. We provide LPS raw materials for various applications. Please note that we do not sell raw materials to individual customers.
Pantoea agglomerans
This bacterium was isolated from wheat. LPS of this bacterium is best studied about safety and function.
※Raw material codes that use this bacterium are marked with Somacy.
Enterobacter asbriae
This bacterium was isolated from rice by Dr. Katsuki Ueki (former professor of faculty of agriculture, Yamagata University) during his study.
※Raw material codes that use this bacterium are marked with RiB.
Pantoea Vagans
This bacterium was isolated from an apple of natural cultivation without pesticide / fertilizer grown by Mr. Akinori Kimura.
※Raw material codes that use this bacterium are marked with APV.
We issue the above mark to products that contain more than the specified amount of our genuine LPS raw material. The specified values are as follows.
・In the case of food: 150μg or more of LPS per day.
(The product containing 500μg/day or more of LPS is marked with an ★)
・In the case of cosmetics: 0.3μg or more of LPS in 1g of product.
(The product containing 1μg/g or more of LPS is marked with an ★)
DynaxT bldg. 2F, 2217-6
Hayashi-cho, Takamatsu-shi,
761-0301 Japan
TEL : +81-87-867-7712
FAX : +81-87-867-7737
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