The function of “immunity” is not limited to protecting the body from infections. It is no other than a system to maintain the person’s health in itself. This health maintenance system has two functions: finding and dispelling foreign matter/waste products, and repairing damaged sites. The foreign matter/waste products include pathogenic bacteria and viruses and waste produced within the body, such as dead cells, denatured proteins, and cancer cells.
It is not only for escape from infectious
System to maintain health itself
(1)Find and eliminate foreign objects / unnecessary materials
1.Pathogenic bacteria / virus invading from outside
2.Garbage generated in the body
(dead cells, cancer cells, oxides, glycated substances)
(2)Repair ob injured part
Immunity consists of two types of immune systems: “innate immunity” and “acquired immunity”. “Innate immunity” is a primitive immune system in which innate immune competent cells, such as macrophages and neutrophils, engulf and digest pathogenic bacteria and cancer cells to eliminate them through a process called phagocytosis. On the other hand, “acquired immunity” is an immune system found in advanced animals in which acquired immune competent cells, such as T cells and B cells, produce specific antibodies for invading pathogenic bacteria so that they are destroyed. Once these antibodies have been produced in the body, they can be prepared more quickly for a second infection. Vaccination, such as for influenza and BCG, takes advantage of this mechanism.
In order to produce antibodies, it is first necessary for innate immune competent cells to devour pathogenic bacteria so they can inform pathogenic bacteria characteristics to acquired immune competent cells. In other words, to ensure the effective functioning of the immune system, it is crucial to keep “innate immunity” active.
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